1.50% daily for 20 days; 2.00% daily for 50 days; 3.00% daily for 100 days;
1340 days | 600% | |
5% - 2% - 0.5% - 0.25% - 0.25% | |
20$ / $? | Instant |
Veteran traders employ a tried-and-tested method of analysing the long term trend in the gold market by evaluating a weekly chart. This is because gold prices trade and trend sideways, very similar to other capital market instruments. Expert traders use a lot of tools in their arsenal in order to determine whether the price will trend, or remain relatively the same. MACD or moving average convergence divergence is an extremely useful momentum index that takes advantage of a moving average in order to create a crossover signal. That crossover signal will then let you know whenever a positive or negative momentum is accelerating. Seasoned traders that use the weekly MACD crossover on gold prices to determine if the momentum is accelerating upward. Relative strength index or RSI is also another momentum indicator that describes whether the gold prices are accelerating, in relation to the last 14-periods. The key to making the most out of this is to take a look at the previous highs and to gauge just how far the momentum was able to accelerate in the past.
Date | Hosts | Hits |
Aug 19th, 2021 | 1 | 1 |