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Deposit | % | 1st Deposit | Re-Deposit | |||
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$50 | $79 | 0.50% | 500% | $0.00 | 600% | $0.00 |
$80 | $99 | 0.50% | 500% | $0.00 | 600% | $0.00 |
$100 | $149 | 0.50% | 500% | $0.00 | 600% | $0.00 |
$150 | $199 | 0.50% | 500% | $0.00 | 600% | $0.00 |
$200 | $299 | 0.50% | 500% | $0.00 | 600% | $0.00 |
$300 | $399 | 0.50% | 500% | $0.00 | 600% | $0.00 |
$400 | $499 | 0.50% | 500% | $0.00 | 600% | $0.00 |
$500 | $599 | 0.50% | 500% | $0.00 | 600% | $0.00 |
$600 | $699 | 0.50% | 500% | $1.00 | 600% | $2.00 |
$700 | $799 | 1.00% | 500% | $1.00 | 600% | $2.00 |
$800 | $999 | 1.00% | 500% | $1.00 | 600% | $2.00 |
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$2000 | $2999 | 2.00% | 500% | $5.00 | 600% | $10.00 |
$3000 | $3999 | 2.00% | 500% | $10.00 | 600% | $15.00 |
$4000 | $4999 | 3.00% | 500% | $15.00 | 600% | $18.00 |
$5000 | $9999 | 3.00% | 500% | $18.00 | 600% | $20.00 |
$10000 | $25000 | 3.00% | 500% | $20.00 | 600% | $25.00 |