0.08% - 10% hourly forever; 10.3% - 25% hourly for 10 hours; 107% - 1100% after 1 day; 4600% after 2 days; 15100% after 3 days; 21000% after 4 days;
1259 days | 600% | |
6% | |
10$ / $? | Instant |
It is often said that success happens when preparation meets opportunity. When we look back on June 2021 and its impact on the bitcoin story, price may be the indicator that many point to as a signal of its success. However, those more familiar with the asset class know that preparation has been a constant over the 10+ years of bitcoin’s existence. Preparation has come in many forms: the Satoshi white paper, viable exchanges, reputable data sources and research providers, institutional custody, and investor education to name a few. It has also come in the form of sophisticated investors’ acceptance of a new asset class born out of code that lives on the internet. Overall, it is now safe to assume that we are headed towards a new era for digital assets. In October bitcoin rose 26.32% while the Bloomberg Galaxy Crypto Index (BGCI) measuring the broader digital asset market rose 14.62%. These moves came on the heels of announcements and developments across three major themes: