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  • Added : Mar 10th, 2023
  • Monitor :728 Days
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ITP ISP Safeassets.Com Review, Technical Analysis, RCBs and more at

0.24% daily for 1 Month, 0.27% daily for 3 Months, 0.4% daily for 9 Months, 0.5% daily for 12 Months (Deposit Returned)

728 days 600%
Two Levels:3% - 1%
$50 / Unlimited Manual is a platform where those who are far from crypto investing can make more than experienced investors. Combining the features of a crowd funding and investment platform, Safe????Assets offers a high return on investment. The new platform is a great combination of privacy and publicity. Publicity lies in the complete transparency, predictability and the automation of the company's work. Privacy guarantees the complete anonymity of Safe????Assets’ customers and partners as well their ability to decide when and how much to invest or withdraw. Investment plans: $50 - $1000: 0.24% daily for 30 days (deposit returned) $200 - $5000: 0.27% daily for 90 days (deposit returned) $500 - $999999: 0.4% daily for 270 days (deposit returned) $1000 - $999999: 0.5% daily for 360 days (deposit returned

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