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  • Added : Jun 16th, 2022
  • Monitor :995 Days
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0.15% - 0.20% - 0.25% Hourly (3.6% - 4.8% - 6% Daily) Forever -- (Principal Back available with 10.00% fee after 1 Day)

995 days 600%
3 Levels: 5% - 3% - 1%
$10 / Unlimited Instant

Defense Ecology Program Description Defense EcologyAbout Defense Ecology The protection of the environment is of paramount importance for all mankind. The increase of production leads to the fact that humanity, in pursuit of profit, produces more and more different goods. The growth of industrial production leads to an increase of pollution of the environment and nature. And although most people understand that it is necessary to protect nature, it is difficult to stop the pollution due to the constantly increasing production. Defense Ecology invests in environmentally friendly and safe productions, as well as renewable energy sources that cause minimal damage to the environment.

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